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Thursday 17 September 2015

Benefits of Green Tea

My exam block is over, yay! I finally have time to chill out now that it's the holidays. However, constant stressing and studying has taken it's toll, I wasn't sleeping that well and my skin isn't the best either. So, I reached for the secret weapon, Green Tea.

Okay, it's not a secret. There's a pretty big chance you know green tea is super good for you, because it can do all of these things:

+ Hydrate better than water
+ Clear your skin
+ Improve dental hygene
+ Lower stress levels
+ Provide antioxidants
+ Boost your metabolism
+ Keep things like your heart and circulatory system in check
+ Aid sleep

Lovely stuff. Over the next few days I'm going to try and get a lot of green tea into my system. I've been drinking it, but I've also tried out these sheet masks from Sephora Sydney. They look hilarious once you put them on, but they do a great job with blemishes and reducing them.

I'll report back on how it goes for me in a few days, so watch this space!