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Thursday 1 January 2015


Even though we'll be calling it 2014 till' March, 2015 is here. I hope you've all had fantastic holidays and you're going into the new year with a clear head (easier said than done!). Today I'm just updating you all on changes to Em Charlie, news, and the like:

- On twitter and at the end of blogposts, I've signed off as Emilie. Its actually spelt Emily! I was nervous starting blogging and putting my real first name online, but I'm much more comfortable after 11 months of it!

- I've changed my usernames on social media to @MissEmCharlie (shameless self-promotion there!) Also, I'm making an Instagram, so stay posted for more on that.

- Photo quality will be getting better, as I've saved up for a DSLR, which will be arriving sometime in the near future!

- How would you feel about changing design? I'm spending most of January working on HTML and such, so not heaps of posts this month! I'm going to add social media buttons, email subscription, contacts and about me pages, and a disqus commenting system. If you have any tips, please leave them in the comments below!

- Post wise, I'm making a goal to post about 5 times a month! Not in January but February onwards I'll be hitting up your bloglovin'!

- More about posting, what do you want to see on Em Charlie? Would you like a laid back or editorial style on here? Just beauty, or incorporating book & film reviews, advice, fashion, music, maybe videos?? Anyway lemme know down there.

That's all, folks! This post is quite long but I really want to make this space amazing for you all! Put your thoughts in the comments and I'll get cracking with them.

Happy New Year!

Emily (with a y) xx