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Monday 18 May 2015


Personally, I can't stand most magazines. I read so much on twitter and tumblr so I really don't need Famous or Girlfriend to tell me all that, and Vogue's clothing prices make me cry a bit.As a person who wants to pursue something creative, I knew I needed something more from my Sunday reading material (although at the moment it's Romeo and Juliet for Senior English).

Welcome, Renegade Collective.

They describe themselves as a publication for "Game Changers, Thought Leaders, Rule Breakers and Style Makers", and I agree. The 21st issue has so much awesome content, over a lot of topics. I bought it the other day on a whim, and so far I've read about 3/4 and I'm uber impressed, especially with the little artsy pages in between, like above. There's been about five articles that I have absolutely loved, and if you pick up this issue, give these pieces a read or check some of the people out on social media.

1. Sorry Mum... I'm an Entrepreneur
2. Redesigning the Future
3. Wild Abandonment (about the travel instagrammers @ourwildabandon)
4. Who is Banksy?
5. Why you should start a compliments log

Have you read Renegade Collective? What's your favourite Magazine?