Thursday, 28 May 2015
Hi all! Life has just been extremely hectic lately. All my school work has been due either last week, is due tomorrow or will be due next week, so all of my time has been devoted to my English, Religion, Media and Music assignments. There has been a few things I've been thinking about lately that I thought I should have a chat about.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Personally, I can't stand most magazines. I read so much on twitter and tumblr so I really don't need Famous or Girlfriend to tell me all that, and Vogue's clothing prices make me cry a bit.As a person who wants to pursue something creative, I knew I needed something more from my Sunday reading material (although at the moment it's Romeo and Juliet for Senior English).
Monday, 4 May 2015
You may have read my Little Joys post from Thursday, and I have another one for you all, Fresh Flowers. They're just so lovely and seeing as we had some tulips in the house, I thought I'd share my current lip favourite that happens to be a pretty close shade match to tulips.